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According to the World Health Organisation, viral hepatitis infections claim the lives of 3,500 people each day worldwide. One of the lesser-known kinds is hepatitis E.

Infection can occur after eating or drinking contaminated food or water in less developed countries, or consuming undercooked pork products in Australia.

Diagnosis is based on symptoms and confirmed by a blood test showing antibodies to hepatitis E.

Most people recover within four to six weeks of contracting hepatitis E. It can be particularly serious for pregnant women, especially during the third trimester, and for people who have existing chronic liver disease.

Dr Richie Madden is co-founder of Hepatitis E International Direct-Action Group. He is based at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and has been looking closely at the disease for 15 years. He recently told ABC Radio National’s Health Report that it’s an emerging threat here in Australia, and we should be paying more attention to it.

“I believe it should be part of the acute liver screen for cases of unexplained hepatitis. For liver inflammation and the liver blood test, we typically test for A, B and C…. I think here in Australia we should test for E, A, B, C.”


What are the symptoms of hepatitis E?

According to NSW Health, the symptoms of hepatitis E include:

  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • tiredness
  • abdominal/gut pain
  • fever
  • dark urine
  • pale stools
  • joint pain
  • yellowing of skin and eyeballs (jaundice).

Symptoms normally start 3 to 6 weeks after the infection. For some people, symptoms may occur anywhere from 15 to 64 days after infection.


How is it treated?

There is no specific treatment or commercially available vaccine in Australia for hepatitis E.

Prevention is the most effective way to protect you from hepatitis E.


Further information

Hepatitis E fact sheet: NSW Health

Hepatitis E – including symptoms, treatment and prevention: SA Health

Hepatitis E: a neglected virus: The Lancet

Health Report: ABC Radio National

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