Queensland Health – End of Life Care
Queensland Health wanted to measure the impact of their campaign on End of Life Care and identify if the audience ‘will start the conversation’ after seeing the media. The campaign included two months of TV, digital panels, brochures and GP Engagement reaching an audience of over 1.6 million across 800+ GP Practices.

Tonic Media Network carried out intercept interviews across five metro and regional GP Practices in Queensland.
- 95% noticed at least one Tonic Media Network asset
- 38% had heard about advance care planning before their visit to the clinic
- A third saw the End of Life Care advertising and almost a quarter of those who had seen the advertising took action
- For those that did not take any action, three quarters said it was not relevant to them
- Almost one is seven already had a plan in place
- Over a third of those 75+ had seen one of the ads in the campaign and were most likely to have taken action
Why It Matters
The results established a willingness to take action and speak to their GP, Practice Nurse, friends or family about End of Life Care.
This campaign also provided a bench mark from which to increase awareness and action on this topic across all age groups.