Health Services
Sydney IVF

Sydney IVF wished to engage couples with fertility problems, in specific geographic areas using DL Brochures in Tonic’s GP waiting rooms. They hoped to achieve 3 outcomes.
- To encourage visits to the Sydney IVF website.
- To drive an uplift in requests for and readership of their “Guide to Assisted Conception” book.
- To promote appointments with their IVF specialist doctors.
The campaign used a DL brochure in specific geographically targeted Medical Centre waiting rooms.

- There was an immediate increase in hits to the Sydney IVF website, coinciding with Tonic campaign dates
- Sydney IVF saw a 50% increase in requests for their book “Guide to Assisted Conception”.
- 1 in 5 people who received the book, become a Sydney IVF patient.
Why it matters
DL brochures in GP waiting rooms can drive traffic to a specific website, and ultimately create more end user customers.