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COVID jabs and comms jobs: top pandemic marketing lessons

We’ve all learned a lot over the last 18 months, but what are the key lessons marketers should be heeding? Here are four top takeouts from a panel of eminent COVID-19 comms experts. 1. Have one message, and stick to it Simon Friedlander has spent the last 18 months...

Up 265% – The Exciting Potential of Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic buying in Australia and NZ was up by 265% in 2020, and this is expected to grow, according to Vistar Media. Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home (pDOOH) campaigns are on the rise as it provides advertisers with greater flexibility, agility and contextual...
Cookies Crumble as Contextual Marketing Rises

Cookies Crumble as Contextual Marketing Rises

With government third party regulatory changes, including the end of third-party cookies as we know them and the tightening of data privacy, contextual marketing is on the rise. Contextual marketing and targeting have been used successfully for many years, and we all...
AdNews: Trust in healthcare is soaring…

AdNews: Trust in healthcare is soaring…

Trust in healthcare is soaring and that calls for a closer look at the landscape.  If you want to get an idea of just how concerned Australians have become about their health in recent months, then look no further than the latest findings from clinical and pharmacy...
How to combat stress in an agency job

How to combat stress in an agency job

Opinion Piece by Managing Director, Dr Matthew Cullen Agency careers have always walked a line between glamour and grind. Long hours and tight deadlines are a package deal with the added fun and adrenaline of working in media. When stress and pressure begins to...
Health & Fitness Is Booming, So Why Doesn’t Ad-land Get It?

Health & Fitness Is Booming, So Why Doesn’t Ad-land Get It?

Opinion Piece by Commercial Director, Jack Mortlock It’s fair to say we’re living bigger lifestyles than ever before. The ‘lifestyle category’ takes in more activities now than it ever has. Travel is one example. Health and fitness is another. What not so long ago...
How to recognise and prevent agency burn-out

How to recognise and prevent agency burn-out

Burn-out is a catch-all phrase for people who are tired, chronically stressed, have lost interest in their work and can’t find motivation. It’s a messy combination of symptoms where chronic stress gets conflated with depression, anxiety and tobacco, alcohol and other...