QR codes have had a resurgence due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, Tonic Media Network has extended its printed brochure board offering and launched digital brochures made available via QR codes.
After the successful launch in NSW and positive feedback from practice staff (GP’s, Practice Manager and Nurses), digital brochures will launch in all other states and territories in June 2021.
The launch of digital brochures creates value for our audiences and marketers.
We know that consumers are searching for more health information online. Since March 2020, when COVID-19 started to impact Australia, we saw a significant increase in people visiting myDr.com.au, Healthline and Medical News Today, highlighting a growing appetite for trusted health & wellbeing information (Google Analytics Dec 2020). The digital brochure provides our audience access to more health information by driving them to a landing page to download or have brochures conveniently sent directly to their email.
QR codes are easy to use and have become a normal way in the community to check-in, order or obtain more information.
Digital brochures create value for consumers and additional value for advertisers to maximise their audience reach.
Tonic’s Health Update Boards are positioned in 3,600 GP practices nationally, reaching over 11 million people every month. With the launch of digital brochures, this reach will significantly increase. Promotional messages aired on the Digital Panel have raised awareness and increased consumer engagement of the digital brochure offering.
Brochures have been an effective and trusted communication channel for patients waiting, on average, 30 minutes to see their GP. Our audiences’ appetite for health information, coupled with the unmatched dwell time, means the GP waiting room is the ideal environment for brochures, both printed and digital.
“We love having our brochure boards in our waiting rooms, they are very informative for patients and the information is always kept up-to-date” Taryn McClements, South West Operations Manager, Brecken Health Care
Digital brochures are available to clients in conjuction with printed brochure campaigns.